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ASQ Northeast TN Section 1106 June 2024 Newsletter

By Arved Harding posted 05/29/24 12:54 PM


ASQ 1106 June 2024 Newsletter

·       ASQ1106 Section Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024 @5:30-7:30 EST

·       ASQ1106 Support of K-12 Education

·       ASQ1106 Certification Exam Scholarship Available

·       Other Online Education Opportunities in June


ASQ 1106 Section Meeting

Thursday June 20, 2024 (Virtual with Zoom)

Agenda (Eastern time zone):

5:30 - 5:45 Log in and socialize time

5:45 – 6:45 Supplier Risk Management by Daniella Picciotti

6:45 – 7:15 A special session of KAHOOT! on the evening topic hosted by Dave Harry. Prizes will be awarded.

Register at the URL below.

If you have trouble registering with this URL, try a different internet browser.

For questions or reservation issues contact Arved Harding (423) 765-5382.


Topic: Supplier Risk Management

Every organization manages risk in some way, shape or form.  Some organizations have formal processes and procedures to identify, mitigate and manage risk.  Often times risk management processes are focused internally; potentially losing sight of the external risks from suppliers.  As global markets expand, so does the supply chain; which leads to an increase in risk to an organization.

Managing the risk from suppliers can be a daunting process; but it doesn’t need to be.  Approaching Supplier Risk Management is similar to internal risk management; it’s a cross-functional approach.  There are tools and techniques to identify, mitigate, and manage supplier risks as part of a risk management system that can benefit an organization of any size.

This webinar will explore strategies, tools, and techniques to take some of the guesswork out of managing supplier risks from the overall supplier management perspective to analyzing the risk of an individual supplier.

Daniella Picciotti Bio

Daniella Picciotti (pitch-ah-tee) has over 25 years of experience in Supplier Quality Management across an array of industries include aerospace, medical device, and nuclear energy.  She is also an instructor for the American Society of Quality (ASQ) providing instruction on supplier life cycle management, supplier risk management supplier audits, and Root Cause Analysis.

Daniella holds three ASQ certifications: Certified Quality Engineer, Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence and Certified Supplier Quality Professional. Currently, she is the President of QMS Alliance (a quality management systems consultant) and is a certified lead ISO9001 Lead auditor and AS9100 Lead Aerospace auditor.

Daniella is the Chair-Elect of ASQ and sits on the ASQ Board of Directors.

KAHOOT! Leader Bio: DAVE HARRY, PMP® CB-PMO® CSSBB LBC CSM® is also known as “The Process Whisperer®”. He is a Board Member of ASQ Section 1106, a Black Belt Trainer and the CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC in Greeneville, Tennessee. Dave is a retired U.S. Navy pilot and a Toyota Kata Geek.  Dave is an ASQ Six Sigma Black Belt and was also a Six Sigma Black Belt with Rolls-Royce Energy and Northrop Grumman. He is active in ASQ as a DMC leader in the ASQ Lean Enterprise Division.

He is a Project Management Institute (PMI) certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) and holds Lean Bronze Certification (LBC) through the SME/AME/Shingo Institute alliance and a Certified Scrum Master (CSM®). In addition to ASQ, PMI and IISE, Dave is a member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME) and the Project Management Office Global Institute (PMO GI).


ASQ1106 Support of K-12 Education

The Northeast TN Section 1106 of ASQ is committed to supporting K-12 education and outreach initiatives that foster the development of quality professionals and leaders in our community. Hank Somers, Coordinator for Support of K-12 Education, Northeast Tennessee Section, American Society for Quality scans two local papers online each morning to see if there are any positive articles on local education achievements. When he identifies one, he will send emails to the recipient school or district leadership, as well as community leaders congratulating the achievement. This effort is greatly appreciated by our education and leadership communities in our area.

ASQ 1106 also supports local STEM related camps financially, like the support in 2024 of the Kids Rule! Technology Camp for grades 6-8 and the Explore Camp for middle and high school educators, counselors, and teachers, both to be held this summer at Northeast State Community College.

This support also builds relationships for ASQ with educators and the community.



ASQ 1106 Certification Exam Scholarship (2024)

Are you considering taking an ASQ Certification Exam? Well now's the time to make the commitment. ASQ Section 1106 has set aside money available for certification exam scholarships. After taking an ASQ certification exam ASQ Section 1106 will pay the ASQ member 50% of the exam cost.
Applicant must be a primary member of ASQ Section 1106.

  • This scholarship is not available to members whose company pays for their exam fee.
  • This is a onetime offer per member, i.e. each member can only request this scholarship one time.
  • Valid for exams taken in 2022 and 2023. The ability and need to offer this scholarship to our membership will be evaluated each section year.
  • This scholarship EXCLUDES the Master Black Belt Certification Exam.
  • The scholarship is available to members that take a certification exam and is not contingent on passing.
  • Money is limited, so first come first serve.  Your exam registration date will serve as a date of intent and puts you in line to receive a scholarship after you take the exam.
  • To be eligible for the scholarship, register with ASQ for an exam before the exam deadline.
  • After you take the exam, send a filled out ASQ Certification Exam Scholarship Form to the Scholarship Chair requesting the scholarship award. A form will be available in the Resources area of the Northeast TN Section myASQ site. Please attach a copy of the email from ASQ Headquarters or the testing organization confirming you took the exam. The Scholarship Chair will confirm the information and money is still available and will authorize the Treasurer to send you a check.

ASQ 1106 Certification Exam Scholarship Form


Fill out the form completely and include a proof you took the exam, such as an email from the testing organization. Email this to the ASQ1106 Scholarship Chair.


ASQ Member #



Send Check to (name)



Date Exam was Taken

Certification Exam Name

Exam Registration Fee

Location Exam was Taken


Treasurer Use Only

Check Number



Budget Category

Other Online Education Opportunities in June

Mastering Voice of the Customer: Converting Customer Feedback to Actionable Data

When:  Jun 12, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Community:   Financial Services Division and  Service Quality Division

ASQ Phoenix-June 13 2024 Virtual Meeting-Using Lean Six Sigma...Cost Saving...Clinical Laboratories

When:  Jun 13, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (MT)

Community:   Phoenix Section

Medical Device Risk Management by Dan O'Leary

When:  Jun 20, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:15 PM (ET)

Community:   Granite State Section

EDGe Event: Quality Transformed: Embracing AI's Potential to Redefine Excellence and Innovation

When:  Jun 21, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Community:   Government Division

Utilizing Innovative Strategies to Unlock Cost-Saving Potential in Clinical Laboratories

When:  Jun 27, 2024 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM (ET)

Community:   Innovation Division

Check myASQ Events for more events virtually and in your area.

