
RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS by Jo Haberstok (with excerpts from the AARP website) Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 9-15, and the official Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17. But we shouldn’t need an official proclamation to do good things every day. In today’s environment, where everyone seems to have so many things to do, people to see, and places to go, it sometimes feels like kindness and courtesy have begun to take a back seat. Acts of kindness may not be high on everyone’s priority list. I was getting in line at the only available checkout at the grocery store the other day, with just a handful of items. The fellow ...
SPRING IS COMING ... TIME TO PLANT SOME ASQ SEEDS! by Jo Haberstok Are you a winter person, someone who loves seeing six inches of snow on the ground for weeks, the nearby ski resorts open every day, and you get to bundle up in layers? Or are you a summer person, basking in 100-plus degrees, enjoying hot weather sports, shorts, and sandals? Or maybe you’re an in-betweener – you don’t mind a little snow (as long as it doesn’t stick around for long) but you look forward to warmer weather and being able to leave the puffy parka and scarf in the closet so you can get outside, work in the yard again, and start planting vegetables. We’ve been ...
ASQ CERTIFICATIONS – UPCOMING EXAMS Have you been thinking about applying for an ASQ certification? Why not stop thinking about it and just do it! As an ASQ member, you’ll save $100 off the usual (non-member) fee for each exam. Applications are now being accepted for the following exams scheduled for April 1-30. The application deadline is March 9. • CQA (Quality Auditor) • CQE (Quality Engineer) • CQIA (Quality Improvement Associate) • CSQE (Software Quality Engineer) • CSSGB (Six Sigma Green Belt) • CQPA (Quality Process Analyst) • CCT (Calibration Technician) • CPGP (Pharmaceutical GMP Professional) • CCQM (Construction ...
The February 2025 Columbia Basin ASQ newsletter is now available. We are not holding a separate section meeting in February, so we encourage everyone to sign up for and participate in one (or more) of the other ASQ section or division meetings. There are many opportunities for learning, networking, and growth! You can check the ASQ Events Calendar for even more offerings. And remember… Recertification Units (RUs) can be earned for participating in meetings/events, viewing your monthly free member gifts, or by serving in a section leadership or team member role.
Thank you to those who could attend our recent Pike Peak Section's Monthly Section Meeting on January 14, 2025. Roger Tonneman was our speaker for this event which was A Tour of myASQ and the Pikes Peak Community. The recording can be found on our Section Page in case you missed it. Key Take Aways: Use your same userID and password as to log into myASQ. Be proactive and complete your profile and connect with some fellow ASQ members! There are many geographical and technical communities with events and content to help you in your quality journey. Feel free to reach out the admins of the communities to see how you can become involved ...
Click on the link below, or navigate to the Library tab > Newsletters folder. January 2025 Sun Dial
ASQ East South-Central Region - February 2025 Newsletter · 2025 World Conference on Quality and Improvement – May 4-7, 2025 Denver, CO · ASQ1106 Section Meeting - Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 @5:30-8:00 EST · Lexington Section Meeting - Thursday, Feb 20, 2025 @11:50-1 EST · Other Online Education Opportunities in February 2025 World Conference on Quality and Improvement | ASQ WCQI attendees will join passionate professionals to take quality ...
REGISTER NOW FOR WCQI 2025 Early Bird Discount offered through January 31 Are you using quality concepts and tools in new or unique ways or in new or non-traditional industries or environments? How are your quality efforts driving bottom line results? Are you working to grow and diversify the quality community? Are you and your team exploring and developing new quality procedures? Professionals like you are using quality concepts and tools in new and unique ways every day and expanding the reach of quality practices into non-traditional industries and environments. The quality community is expanding and diversifying, bringing fresh perspectives ...
UPCOMING ASQ CERTIFICATION EXAMS ASQ Certification has impacted careers for decades with over 400,000 certifications issued worldwide. Offering independently accredited certifications with a proven track record, you can be confident that your certification will maintain its value throughout your career. By achieving ASQ Certification, you join a proud legacy of quality professionals and demonstrate your pursuit of excellence through quality. Acquire the knowledge to position yourself and your organization ahead of the competition and get certified by ASQ today! Applications are now being accepted for ASQ Certification exams that will be offered March ...
CAREERS IN QUALITY – THE ASQ CAREER CENTER CAN HELP! ASQ champions people who are passionate about quality in more than 130 countries. The ASQ Career Center is filled with hundreds of opportunities. Here you can apply to work at ASQ or ASQE, find other jobs in quality, or post a job for an open quality role at your organization. To help individual ASQ members and organizations thrive professionally, the Career Center has tools, tips, and services that can streamline the process of finding the perfect job or finding the ideal candidate. Job Seekers: Access resources to find a job, post your resume for employers to see, and manage your career ...
LEAN SIX SIGMA AND DATA ANAYLSIS Free YouTube Videos from Beth Cudney Are you a seasoned professional looking to sharpen your skills? Or perhaps you just want to learn more about Lean Six Sigma and Data Analytics? Beth Cudney, an ASQ Fellow, recently announced the re-launch of her YouTube channel, which includes videos on these topics. Beth is a Professor of Data Analytics and is Program Coordinator for Data Analytics in the John E. Simon School of Business at Maryville University. She holds eight ASQ certifications, has published nine books, and has received several quality awards. Beth’s Lean Six Sigma channel includes several tutorials, including: ...
10 VALUABLE LIFE LESSONS FROM MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. excerpted from an article by Bola Olayanju Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and was driven by it. Today, several decades after his passing, his legacy inspires the world to dream. Some powerful life lessons from him: 1. Dare to Dream 2. Love People 3. Persevere 4. Invest in Yourself 5. Serve People 6. Forgive 7. Stand Up for Justice 8. Have Faith 9. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 10. All Things are Possible Read the full article, including some great quotes, here .
CHAIR’S CORNER – Happy New Year! by Denise Fast Welcome to the New Year!! I hope everyone had a great holiday and was able to take some time to refresh and get ready for the year ahead. We often forget that with change can come stress. I would like to take a quick moment to remind everyone to continue to be safe and look out for each other. We have our new 2025 section leadership team in place now, which includes several of the 2024 team members. Some are taking on different roles and others are continuing in the positions they held last year. As with any transition we will strive our best to ensure consistency and provide value for our members. ...
The January 2025 Columbia Basin ASQ newsletter is now available. We are not holding a separate section meeting of our own in January but instead will be joining with others for a Pacific Region meeting on January 15, (being hosted by the San Gabriel ASQ section). Presenter Dr. Manu K. Vora will be featured; the topic is “Sustainable Change Management.” Check out the announcement in the newsletter and here – hopefully many of you will be registering and participating in this meeting as well. There are also several virtual meetings and webinars being offered by other ASQ sections, divisions, and organizations in January ...
Here is the link to the ASQ Phoenix Section Sun Dial Newsletter for December 2024: Phoenix Section - American Society for Quality
Generations: Who Am I Talking To? or, Who Should It Be With? The ASQ Quality Management Division would like to invite you to the Upcoming webinar ' Generations: Who Am I Talking To? or, Who Should It Be With? ' with Jd Marhevko . In this informative 60-minute webinar, we will: Review the 5 Generations that exist in our world today Understand approach techniques in discussions to enable a more successful communication Evaluate a PDCA approach in communicating cross-generationally When: Jan 23, 2025 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM (CT) CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
ASQ Montreal — 75 Years... young Sam Weissfelner , ASQ Senior, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominations Committee Chair and Jean-Pierre Amiel , ASQ Senior, ASQ CQA, past Historian Time sure flies — Similar conditions in the development of the "science" of quality which led to the formation of the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) in 1946 in the US, also prevailed in Canada. Young local Quality Control Societies had also been established. More specifically in Montreal, Ben LLOYD of Canadian Industries Ltd (CIL), Bruce LEADBETTER of the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada (BELL), Roger LESSARD of the École Polytechnique, John PRINGLE of the Bell Telephone Co. ...
WEBINAIRE : LE GD&T, MBD et l'inspection par réalité augmentée (WEBINAR: GD&T, MBD and inspection through augmented reality Par Pierre Marquis , MBA et ASQ Senior, CMQ/OE et CSSGB Membership Chair Section Montréal, Student Outreach Member ( English follows ) Le mercredi soir 27 novembre 2024 , 22 participants ont eu le privilège d’assister à un webinaire de 2.5 heures sur trois sujets relatifs aux dimensionnement/cotation fonctionnelle (GD&T), dessin 3D (MBD) et inspection par la réalité augmentée (AR Inspection), relatifs aux pièces manufacturées. De 18h30 à 19h les participants ont pu réseauter sous la direction de Ray Dyer ...
Chantale Simard , MBA et ASQ Senior, CMQ/OE et CSSGB ( English text follows ) Je suis honorée d’assumer à nouveau le rôle de présidente de la section Montréal de l’ASQ en 2025; année où on célèbre les 75 ans de la section! Ayant eu le privilège de remplir cette fonction par le passé, je suis enthousiaste à l’idée de continuer à contribuer au succès de notre section. Je suis également reconnaissante de pouvoir compter sur une équipe dévouée et compétente, avec qui je suis convaincue que nous pourrons atteindre de nouveaux sommets. Pour 2025, j’encourage chaleureusement tous les membres de la section à envisager de rejoindre notre leadership team (comité ...
Volunteers for ASQ Lean and Six Sigma Conference, Phoenix, AZ, February 23-25, 2025, are needed and volunteers are eligible for reduced conference registration rates. If you are interested, please check with Hilary Werner ( ) on the requirements and discount.