Education Division

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Community Information:

The ASQ Education Division informs and networks on knowledge and best practices related to Quality in Education. Our members are educators, administrators, and quality professionals throughout the world at all education levels (primary, secondary, higher education, and in the workplace).

Position Name (click name to contact by email)
Division Chair Azizeh Elias Constantinescu
Division Chair-Elect Ellen Belitzky
Division Immediate Past Chair/Nominating Committee Chair/Journal Editor Marianne Di Pierro
Division Secretary Edward Pines
Division Treasurer/ Executive Board Member/Advisor Belinda Chavez
Executive Board Member/Advisor John Dew
Special Project Liaison Terrance Smith
Membership Chair Prafulla Bhagat
Membership Vice Chair Crystal Shaw
Newsletter Editor Terri Ball
Newsletter Editor Vice Chair Belinda Chavez
Voice of the Customer Chair Mary Lou D'Allegro
Voice of the Customer Vice Chair Juanita McMath
Webinar Chair Andrea Hubner
Webinar Vice Chair Terrance Smith
Social Media & Marketing Chair Helen Tran
Social Media & Marketing Vice Chair Christoper Solis
Examining Chair Don Brecken
Network Groups:  
Workforce Development & Quality Improvement Tools Chair Michael Miller
Workforce Development & Quality Improvement Tools Vice Chair Lewis Borrelli
Kindergarten-12 Chair Yashwant Sinha
Kindergarten-12 Vice Chair Vacant
Higher Education Chair Karika Parker
Higher Education Vice Chair Jordan Cinderich
STEM Chair Denisha Griffey
STEM Vice Chair Valerie Long

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