
Hello Canada and Greenland Region Member Leaders, ASQ and the Geographic Communities Council (GCC) are excited to announce that Natella Isazada will be continuing her role as Region Director (RD) for the 2025-2026 term. We would like to thank her for her continued dedication to the ASQ Geographic Communities and the Canada and Greenland Region. As Region Director, Natella Isazada guides and supports the geographic communities within the Region, is the bridge between the section leaders and the GCC, and supports the region's growth in alignment with the Society's mission and values. We look forward to another term of her leadership and are ...
Par Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB ( English text follows ) J’espère que vous avez passé une belle saison estivale, que vous avez réussi à décrocher et profiter de bons moments avec famille et amis. Pour ma part, je n’ai pas vu l’été passé! Au début de l’année, nous avons présenté des conférences sur des sujets demandés, comme l’intelligence artificielle, une rencontre avec les registraires, une visite au Digifab, etc. Pour cette deuxième partie de l’année, nous continuons de chercher des sujets d’intérêts pour nos membres, des sujets innovateurs en qualité et, surtout, des sujets qui nous aident à faire avancer les professionnels ...
ASQ-HQ offered its congratulations to the 2023 Awardees for Member Unit Performance Excellence! ASQ-HQ: 2024-05-10 — On behalf of the Performance Excellence Program (PEP) Committee, Katie Chitwood , Segment Manager, thanked the ASQ Montreal Section Leadership Team for all the hard work over the past year to support its members and ASQ overall. She was pleased to announce that the Montreal Section has received the Gold award recognition for 2023. It was a total of 16 Technical Communities (Divisions) and 34 Geographic Communities (Sections) which were recognized for their commitments and excellence. For 2023, four out of the 13 Canadian Sections ...
Par Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB ( English text follows ) En janvier dernier, je vous parlais de nos objectifs pour 2024. Vous souvenez-vous ? Je vous en avais exprimé trois, soit : Mettre l’accent sur la valeur apportée à nos membres ; Continuer d’amplifier nos efforts de sensibilisation ; Revoir et améliorer nos outils et techniques de communication. Je vous invite à me faire parvenir vos idées d’événements pour l’automne 2024, partager vos commentaires et suggestions qui pourraient nous aider à vous livrer une expérience membre enrichissante et à la hauteur de vos attentes. En parallèle à ces objectifs, ...
ASQ Montréal — Plan d'affaires 2024 — Rapport Q1 By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Responsable comité web En septembre 2023 , je vous ai présenté une liste de plans d'action pour l'année 2024, basée sur le développement continu du Strategic Plan (plan stratégique) de l'ASQ. Fondamentalement, notre plan d'affaires énumère les mesures que la section prendra pour atteindre des objectifs précis. Il est divisé en étapes réalisables qui peuvent être facilement suivies et contrôlées afin de clarifier les ressources nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs dans un délai spécifique. Voici l'état d'avancement de nos objectifs et ce que nous avons accompli ...
ASQ Montreal — Business Plan 2024 — Q1 Report By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web Committee Chair Back in September 2023 , I presented what your Montreal Section leadership team was looking ahead for the 2024 line-up of action plans based on ASQ’s continuing development of its own Strategic Plan . Basically, our Business Plan lists what steps the section will be taking to achieve specific goals. It is broken down into actionable steps that can be easily followed and tracked so as to clarify what resources will be required to reach it within a specific timeline. Here is the status of our goals and what we have accomplished so far in the first ...
Par Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB ( English text follows ) J’ai du mal à croire que nous venons de terminer le premier trimestre de l’année! Il me semble que cette année est déjà extrêmement longue. D’un point de vue très personnel, l’année a commencé par des moments difficiles. J’ai perdu mon père après qu’il se soit battu gracieusement et courageusement contre la maladie de Parkinson pendant de nombreuses années. Au cours de sa vie, mon père était un passionné d’avions. Depuis son plus jeune âge, il regardait toujours le ciel pour voir quel avion allait passer au-dessus de sa tête. Il aimait tellement les avions qu’il en ...
(Photo pixbay Mabel Amber) Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on. These events are subject to change, so check our Newsletter or our website for updates. | Tout ceci peut changer, alors vérifiez notre Infolettre ou notre site web pour les mise à jour. Date Time|Heure (ET) Events | Événements Inscription Registration Rev. 2024-06-05 2024-01-31 18:30 Quality Quest: Unleashing Potential | Quête En Qualité: Libérer Le Potentiel anticorruption (Networking Workshop | Atelier réseautage ) Host | Host Raymond Dyer Review | Revue 2024-02-28 ...
Par Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB ( English text follows ) NOUVEAUTÉ ! Ce mois-ci, je partage mes commentaires en format vidéo. Je parle de nos efforts sur les objectifs 2024, des prochains événements et de notre page LinkedIn. NEW! This month, I’m sharing my comments with you in video format. I’m talking about our efforts on the 2024 objectives, upcoming events and our LinkedIn page. Voir le vidéo en français : View the English video: Envoyez-moi vos commentaires Send me your comments Explorez NOTRE site myASQ Montréal | Explore OUR Montreal ...
On November 29, four members of the Montreal Section of ASQ took part in an information panel on quality at UQAM. The speakers presented the concept of quality, quality horizons and their backgrounds in each of the fields in which they work. The panel was organized by the university's Comité des Etudiants du Certificat en Gestion des Opérations ( CEGOps ) as part of a series of conferences on a variety of operations management topics. This event is part of the chapter management team's efforts to promote our student outreach program. Its objective -- to promote and sensitize students to the fields of quality and the services offered by ASQ and the Section. ...
Par Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB ( English text follows ) C’est avec beaucoup d’honneur et d’enthousiasme que j’assume le rôle de présidente de l’ASQ Montréal. Alors que nous entamons ensemble ce nouveau chapitre, je me sens très honorée par l’occasion qui m’est donnée de servir cette communauté, fondée sur l’excellence et le dévouement à la qualité dans tous les aspects de nos activités professionnelles. Je tiens à exprimer ma profonde gratitude à mon prédécesseur et à l’ensemble de l’équipe dirigeante pour leur engagement, qui a permis de jeter les bases solides de notre croissance et de notre progression. Je me réjouis de ...
That’s All Folks! ASQ – QP comic strip mainstay Mr. Pareto Head hangs up his hat ( Texte en français suit ) In ASQ’s January issue of Quality Progress (QP), Mike Crossen , the comic’s creator, announced the final Mr. Pareto Head comic to appear in QP along with his cast of co-workers: Sigma Freud, Randy M. Sample, Norma Distribution, Charlie Chance and Mr. Bottomline. Crossen, said he knew that eventually the strip would come to an end and found himself thinking about the strip more recently, “ It just seemed that heading into this new year was a good time to let it go and focus on my other interests. ” Mr. Pareto Head debuted in March 2000 ...
By Sam Weissfelner , ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominating Chair, Arrangements Chair, Program Committee Member Leadership Team Executive — 2024 — L'équipe de direction Hi all, the slate of the Executive Officers was approved at the October 25th General Assembly. Here is the slate. Voici la liste des officiers de la Section de Montréal, approuvée lors de l'assemblée générale du 25 octobre dernier. Section Chair | Président : Veronica Marquez Secretary | Secrétaire : Carolee Rigsbee Treasurer | Trésorier : Chantale Simard Membership Chair | Responsable des membres : Raymond ...
By Sam Weissfelner , ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominating Chair, Arrangements Chair, Program Committee Member ( Texte en français suit ) As we have received no other proposal for another slate, the proposed Leadership Team below was approved at our Annual General Assembly held on October 25th, 2023. See a complete listing of current ASQ Montreal Section positions . Chair: Veronica Marquez Vice-chair: Raymond Dyer Secretary: Carolee Rigsbee Treasurer: Chantale Simard For more information on these positions or any other available, login to the ASQ site (you must be a member). Should you be ...
By Raymond E. Dyer (Ray) , ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA ( Texte en français suit ) As it has been since ASQ changed their fiscal and operational year from July 1st to June 30th to one that aligned with the calendar year (i.e. January 1st to December 31st), ASQ Montreal Section has been holding its Annual General Assembly (AGA) near the end of October. As we did last year, we plan to hold an in-person AGA again this year. Because of the size of the venue, we’ll have to limit registrations to 30 places and will need to insist on participants registering in advance so please do not just show up as we might not have enough space to welcome ...
My quality career in aerospace — My Highly Non-Traditional Quality Career in Aerospace (Ma carrière de "qualité" dans l'aérospatiale) By Jean-Pierre Amiel , ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secrétaire ( Texte en français suit ) What a change of pace for those present. This 27 September 2023, Avrum Goldman shared with us a simple message on his life's work to date which I would summarize as: Life is a tree with many branches where sometimes you get to choose which sprout to follow and sometimes you’re just ‘up a tree’ and you must deal with it . It may not sound very philosophical, but what would you learn from someone who has spent 38 years ...
Par J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secrétaire Alors que l'automne s'installe tranquillement, l'équipe de direction de la section de Montréal se penche sur les plans d'action de l'an prochain, en fonction de l'élaboration continue du Strategic Plan (plan stratégique) de l'ASQ. Fondamentalement, notre plan d'affaires énumère les mesures que la section prendra pour atteindre un objectif précis. Il est divisé en étapes réalisables qui peuvent être facilement suivies et contrôlées afin de clarifier les ressources qui seront nécessaires pour atteindre l'objectif dans un délai spécifique. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu de ce sur quoi nous travaillerons ...
By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secretary As fall slowly settles in, your Montreal Section leadership team is looking ahead at next year’s line-up of action plans based on ASQ’s continuing development of its own Strategic Plan . Basically, our Business Plan lists what steps the section will be taking to achieve a specific goal. It is broken down into actionable steps that can be easily followed and tracked so as to clarify what resources will be required to reach it within a specific timeline. You will find below a preview of what we will be working on in 2024. As for the 2023 Business Plan Objectives , we are proud to report that for the 16 objectives ...
By Raymond E. Dyer (Ray) , ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA ( Texte en français suit ) In this issue, you’ll see that our Nominating Committee is proposing a slate of section officers (Section Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary) for the 2024 mandate. Because 2023 will have been my second consecutive term as Section Chair, I must step down in 2024 and allow another leader to take over. The Nominating Committee has proposed an excellent candidate, one whose leadership and influence I’ve respected and appreciated for a very long time. As a matter of fact, the candidates for the Treasurer and Secretary positions are also excellent. I’m sure ...
Where do Quality professionals work in and where else could they work? Où travaillent les professionnels de la qualité et dans quels autres domaines pourraient-ils travailler ? By Jean-Pierre Amiel , ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secrétaire ( Texte en français suit ) At left Eric Hosking, Membership Chair, Ray Dyer, Section Chair and at the centre Chantale Simard, Treasurer    (Photos JP Amiel) It was good to finally see people in 3D since last October and some who have not been to events in a long time. It turns out that since the start of the pandemic, many are going through various phases of difficulties but still made the effort ...