1987-1997: A Golden Age of Quality & Lessons for Today
Presented by Charles A. Liedtke, Ph.D. Strategic Improvement Systems, LLC
Program Schedule and Registration
Agenda November 14, 2023
6:00-7:00 pm Virtual Program
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Registration link: https://app.memberplanet.com/#/event/asqmadisonsection/19871997agoldenageofqualitylessonsfortodaypresentedbydr.charlesa.liedtkeisthefounderandown
“1987-1997: A Golden Age of Quality & Lessons for Today”
The time period from 1987 to 1997 can be considered “A Golden Age of Quality” in the U.S. Several factors combined during that time to create an environment where rapid advances in Quality Management theory and practice occurred. This presentation will introduce some of those factors and describe how the Quality Management field developed during that time at the Global, U.S., and Madison, Wisconsin levels. A few of the factors include the following: there was a perceived economic “crisis” in U.S. business circles; leading Japanese companies were benchmarked by U.S. companies; the topic of Quality was commonly mentioned in the popular press and academic journals; there were several high-profile U.S. CEO’s who promoted Quality; the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was inaugurated; and many organizations applied the ideas of Quality Management experts including Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Joseph M. Juran.
Now is an opportune time for Quality professionals to help Senior Executive Teams renew their focus on Quality—and the lessons learned from 1987-1997 can inform and guide their efforts.
Participants will . . .
- Learn key lessons from the 1987-1997 Golden Age of Quality at the Global, U.S., and Madison, levels
- Learn several approaches for how to help a Senior Executive Team renew its focus on Quality
Presenter Information
Dr. Charles A. Liedtke is the Founder and Owner of Strategic Improvement Systems, LLC, a management consultancy that helps senior executives improve organizational performance from a strategic perspective. He has worked with organizations worldwide including Fortune 500 companies, privately held companies, non-profits, medical centers, and government entities. Charles earned a Ph.D. in Business – Operations & Information Management, an MBA, and a Ph.D. minor in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; an M.S. degree in Statistics from Iowa State University; and a B.S. degree in Economics from South Dakota State University. His most recent research publications are Quality, Analytics, and Big Data; Big Data in Hoshin Kanri; Information-Based Customer Value Creation; Advances in Strategic Planning; Shaping Organizational Culture; Visions & Visioning; and Advances in Horizontal Interaction. Charles is a Senior Member of ASQ. He served as an editor for the Japanese Society for Quality Control on the English version technical standards on Guidelines for Daily Management and Guidelines for Policy Management. Those two works made the best practice technical standards from Japan accessible to all English speakers.
Charles Liedtke Contact Information
Email: charles@sisliedtke.com
Website: www.strategicimprovementsystems.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/charlesaliedtke