Introduction to Carbon Rivers by Bailey French

When:  Jan 30, 2024 from 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Tennessee:Knoxville Section

Mr. Bailey French of Carbon Rivers, a small business headquartered in Knoxville, will lead our professional development meeting on January 30. Carbon Rivers' experience from research and development of advanced technologies has yielded revolutionary products within the field of composites recycling, ballistic protection, and even multipurpose coatings that can defend against pandemics.

In Person attendees meet at 5:30 for socializing and dinner before the 7 PM Zoom presentation. 

Please advise us that you are coming, especially if in-person so we can provide enough food for everyone. Also, for remote attendees, it allows us to credit your professional development participation. Just send an email to


Radio Systems Corporation
10411 Cogdill Rd
Knoxville, TN, TN 37932
Online Instructions:
Login: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 0696 5406 Passcode: 131744


Sherman Meade
(865) 429-6340