ASQ Phoenix April 11, 2024 Virtual Meeting: Semiconductor Quality Assurance Through Metrology

When:  Apr 11, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (MT)
Associated with  Phoenix Section

ASQ Phoenix April 11, 2024 Program Meeting – Virtual

6:00pm – 8:00pm Phoenix (UTC: -7)

AGENDA: All times are Phoenix (MST):

6:00 pm – Gather

6:05 pm – Virtual Networking

6:30 pm – Welcome & Announcements

6:45 pm – Guest Speakers Panel Discussion

7:45 pm – Q&A

7:55 pm – Wrap-up

8:00 pm – Adjourn

Topic: Panel Discussion: Semiconductor Quality Assurance through Metrology


This panel discussion focuses on Semiconductor Quality Assurance (QA) through the lens of metrology, addressing QA issues in the semiconductor manufacturing process. The discussion will cover four key areas: Prevention, Detection, Control, and Continuous Improvement. The emphasis will be on the role of metrology in ensuring the quality and reliability of semiconductor products. The panel will explore how metrology contributes to preventing defects, detecting anomalies, controlling manufacturing processes, and driving continuous improvement in semiconductor quality. Attendees will gain insights into the critical role of metrology in maintaining high standards of quality assurance in semiconductor manufacturing.

Moderator: Lauren Majure

Lauren Majure, Business & Educational Partnership Manager, is an academic employer relations professional with thirteen years of experience at NAU and ASU. She has a proven track record of effectively establishing, strengthening, and managing industry partnerships. Lauren excels in advising and creating customized recruiting plans to develop talent pipelines and meet industry demand for diverse, top talent. Her skills include parlaying industry relationships into support of education enrichment programs and potential development opportunities. Additionally, she has extensive experience in project management of large events and on-campus recruitment programs, handling all logistics from budgeting, marketing, and supervising support student staff.

Panelist: Miguel José Yacamán

Miguel José Yacamán received his Ph.D. from the National University of México (UNAM) in 1973 and did postdoctoral research in Oxford University and NASA Ames Research Centre in California from 1975-1978. He joined the Institute of Physics at UNAM as faculty and was associated with the UNAM for 35 years. In 2000 he joined the University of Texas at Austin as Endowed Professor. In 2008 he became Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Texas at San Antonio and Lutcher Brown endowed Professor of Physics. In 2019 he became Regents Professor of the Applied and Materials Science department at the Northern Arizona University His research has been on materials characterization using electron microscopy. Dr Jose Yacaman is consider one of the pioneers on Nanotechnology. His research has produced many important discoveries in physics. He has published more than 650 scientific papers and written or edited eight books. He has presented more that 200 invited lectures at international meetings. His work has been cited more than 46,000 times. He has made pioneering contributions to the understanding of nanoparticle structures. He has supervised more than 40 Ph.D. and 40 master theses. He has mentored in his laboratory about 120 postdoctoral fellows.

He has received The Robert Franklin Mehl Award from the TMS, Bouchet Award and The John Wheatley Award from the APS, The 1997 Institute of Metals Lecture, The Science Prize from The Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexico’s National Prize to Science, The Distinguished Scientist Award from SACNAS, The Gold Medal from The Mexican Society of Physics, The Scopus Award for Latin America. He is fellow of the APS ,MRS,AVS , AAAS and the MSA and member of the scientific advisory body in science to the President of Mexico Dr Jose Yacaman He has received Honoris Cause degrees from the University of Nuevo Leon in Mexico and the University of Cordoba in Argentina.

Panelist: Carlo daCunha

Prof. Carlo daCunha is an assistant professor at the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems at Northern Arizona University. He holds a PhD. degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University. Throughout his career, Prof. daCunha has held several academic positions and research affiliations in institutions such as McGill University in Canada, Chiba University in Japan, and the Technical University of Vienna in Austria. His research focuses on an interplay between quantum science and machine learning.

Panelist: Andy Wang

Andy Wang Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Metrology Research & Teaching Laboratory at Northern Arizona University, is a visionary leader renowned for transforming engineering education. His unwavering commitment to student success shapes his engaging, collaborative, and experiential learning environments, demonstrably propelling graduates to thrive. Dr. Wang spearheads high-impact research, fostering robust industry collaborations that bridge the gap between academia and real-world applications. A distinguished academic with three degrees in Computer Science, his prolific career boasts over 100 published articles and a remarkable $29 million in secured research funding, translating his vision into tangible impact.

LOCATION: via Zoom

COST: Free. Open to all.

We will be using Zoom Meeting to broadcast the April 11, 2024, ASQ Phoenix monthly Program meeting. Register in advance for this meeting:

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Login: Register in advance for this meeting: Zoom registration link: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing the actual meeting link and information about joining the meeting, as well as the option to save the event details to your calendar. Save the confirmation email with the meeting JOIN button.