Quality 4.0

When:  Oct 26, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Delaware Section

**Transform Your Team for Quality 4.0 Success**

Are you ready to take your organization to the next level with Quality 4.0? As a leader, it's essential to prepare your team for this transformational change. Quality 4.0 is not just about technology, it's about bringing your organization along on a clearly defined journey. 

Join us for a session on how to prepare your team for success on this journey. We'll discuss the skills and technology options needed to implement quality management systems for training, process control and monitoring, and raw material/product testing. 

An effective Quality 4.0 strategy requires a balance between the need for change and organizational restructuring and disruption. We'll explore how to evaluate your team's skills and skill gaps and how to adjust the composition and structure of your workforce. 

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to build organizational support for your Quality 4.0 journey. As a leader, the journey starts with consideration within the leadership on the skills, knowledge, and investment goals needed to ensure effective implementation.

Register now and transform your team for Quality 4.0 success! 

Our speaker, Dr. Macht, is a renowned university professor and industry leader with extensive experience in developing quality and STEM leaders. She is a faculty member at Walden University, where she serves as an instructor, dissertation mentor/chair, and committee member. Dr. Macht has cross-functional supply chain experience and has worked to transform global GxP manufacturing, optimize processes, and ensure compliance. 

She holds a Doctorate in Business with a concentration in global supply chain management and is certified in various areas, including Six Sigma, Quality Auditing, and Capability Risk Reduction Mapping. Dr. Macht is also an accomplished author, having written papers on data quality, bias in healthcare, artificial intelligence, process optimization, compliance, and culture. 

Dr. Macht is a sought-after speaker on topics related to quality, STEM, and supply chain management. Her engaging and informative presentations inspire audiences to become the next generation of leaders.

Our Speaker

Dr. Betsy Macht, DBA, CQA, CSSGB


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