Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Product and Service Catalog: What the Section Can Do for Its Members
Presented by the Section's Elected Officers
Professional Night: Path to Quality, Part 3
Conducted by Quality Professionals of ASQ Section 0511
Short Narrative/Description:
At the March 2022 meeting, we will have a double-event: an overview of the Section's Draft Product and Service Catalog and the continuation of the Professional Night.
We started our first Professional Night: Path to Quality at our December 2021 meeting and continued it during the 2nd part of our January 2022 meeting. We will do so again at the March meeting to give floor to the Quality Professionals who did not get time to introduce themselves in December and January.
In addition, we will review the Section's Draft Product and Service Catalog. This is the next step in our discussion ofwhat the Section can or should be doing for its members. You can also take this as an object lesson that may apply to other volunteer organizations.