CQT Exam Prep Course 2024

Starts:  Mar 6, 2024 05:45 PM (ET)
Ends:  Mar 16, 2024 09:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Grand Rapids Section

CQT course – sales to end 3/16/24

Only ticket types available are:

·         $340 basic ticket (does not include course text)

·         $306 10% discount (3+ people from same company in class)

CQT Exam Prep Course
Description: Certified Quality Technician Exam Preparation Course meets every Wednesday, starting 3/6/24 from 5:45pm - 9:00pm for 8 weeks

Location: Zoom – Hybrid – Face to face Location TBD. Zoom option will also be available.

Participants to purchase their own course text. Course text used is CQT Primer from Quality Council of Indiana.  Courses have a minimum class size, and a decision to hold the course will be made one week prior to the first class.

Instructor: Steve Constant (616) 299-5024 (sconstant57@gmail.com)


Online Instructions:
Url: http://app.memberplanet.com/#/event/asqgrandrapidssection/certifiedqualitytechnicianexamprepcourse2024
Login: Location: Zoom – Hybrid – Face to face Location TBD. Zoom option will also be available.


Steve Constant
(616) 299-5024