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Looking for clarification on ASQ Calculator Policy. Please suggest any Casio or Ti models that are allowed. Thank you :)

  • 1.  Looking for clarification on ASQ Calculator Policy. Please suggest any Casio or Ti models that are allowed. Thank you :)

    Posted 01/03/25 12:39 PM

    Hi All,

    To begin with, I am truly thrilled to engage with everyone in this forum. I am scheduled to take my ASQ CSSGB next month. I took my ASQ CQE last month and PASSED 😊 . For the CQE exam I presented 3 types of calculators Ti 30-XS, Casio Fx-991CW, and Casio Fx-991MS but the Prometric center that I took my exam denied ALL THREE, instead they provided with a basic 4 function calculator that did not even have a basic square root functionality. This significantly hindered my ability to perform certain calculations during the exam such as factorial, exponential function, euler's function, permutation, combinations, etc.

    For my scheduled CSSGB, I wanted to be rather safe than sorry. I was genuinely thrilled to discover this forum and am hopeful that it will provide a solution to this issue and help me avoid any problems during my upcoming exam. 

    Any insights are much appreciated. Could you please let me know if your prometric center allowed non-programmable scientific calculators for ASQ exams? If so, could you please suggest any model numbers ? I tried googling but I did not find any information on Casio or Ti model numbers that are allowed. According to my understanding, all the 3 model calculators (mentioned above) that I took are non-programmable but I may be wrong as well. Please advice. Thank you!


    "Any silent, hand-held, battery-operated calculator with no programmable memory will be permitted. Programmable calculators tend to have graphing capabilities, the ability to store text/alphanumeric data by the input of the user, and a function (fn, F1, F2, etc.) button. Calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI-89 or similar are absolutely not allowed because they are programmable. "

    Best Regards,

    Pal Narayanan 

    Palaniappan Narayanan
    Senior Design Quality Engineer
    Shrewsbury MA

  • 2.  RE: Looking for clarification on ASQ Calculator Policy. Please suggest any Casio or Ti models that are allowed. Thank you :)

    Posted 01/13/25 05:33 AM

    Will my Casio fx-300ES Plus calculator be allowed for the CQI test?

    Kari Burrow
    Quality Inspector
    BAE Systems
    Huntsville Alabama

  • 3.  RE: Looking for clarification on ASQ Calculator Policy. Please suggest any Casio or Ti models that are allowed. Thank you :)

    Posted 22 days ago

    According to the policy YES I think it meets the requirement but better to check with the Prometric center where you have booked your exam. 

    Palaniappan Narayanan
    Senior Design Quality Engineer
    Shrewsbury MA