ASQ Inspection Division Webinar — Inspection and Test Plans: Basic Principles, Observations, and L

When:  Jan 12, 2022
Associated with  Inspection Division
Tuesday, January 11th 7:00 p.m. ET/ 6:00 p.m. CT/ 5:00 p.m. MT/ 4:00 p.m. PT
(Via Webex)

Webinar Abstract:

Inspection and test plans – ITPs – are commonly used in manufacturing to identify critical characteristics that will be checked at varying stages of the manufacturing process. While ITPs may be referred to by a variety of names – i.e. inspection plans, quality control plans, quality assurance plans, to name a few – the ultimate goal is to ensure that the requirements and necessary inspection points are identified and understood by all stakeholders.

When done properly, an ITP can be characterized as part of the ‘Cost of Good Quality’ (COGQ). In this case, the development of the ITP can be viewed as ‘Prevention’ and the execution of the ITP can be viewed ‘Appraisal’. Ideally, the presence of a well thought-out and executed quality plan should serve to reduce the ‘Cost of Poor Quality’ by reducing or eliminating both ‘Internal Failure’ and ‘External Failure’.

Ultimately, developing and executing an ‘effective ITP’ should be a ‘value added activity’, rather than ‘something the client is forcing us to do’.

The presentation will also include both:

  • Observations from the ‘Field’.

  • Lessons Learned.