Temecula Valley Section 0713

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Community Information:

Welcome you to the MyASQ Temecula Valley Section 0713 group. As Member Leaders, we are hopeful you will find this a rewarding experience and are looking forward to help promote your growth in Quality as well as ASQ and MyASQ. Feel free to join our group!

2024 ASQ Temecula Valley Section 0713

Member Leaders




Section Chair Vicki Cloutier vicki.cloutier@abbott.com
Vice Chair (Chair Elect) Brent (Lee) Perguson lee.perguson@abbott.com
Secretary Roque Garcia garciaroq2015@gmail.com
Treasurer Brent (Lee) Perguson lee.perguson@abbott.com
Voice of Customer Chair Barry Fischer brfcentury@gmail.com
Nominating Committee Chair David S. Johnstone david.johnstone@abbott.com
Membership Chair Philip Hansen phansen@memberleader.asq.org
Publicity Chair Matthew Cameron matthewcameron.mtc@gmail.com
Internet Liaison Philip Hansen phansen@memberleader.asq.org
Past Section Chair Mike Thompson mkthompson386@gmail.com

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