Community Information:
We at the Seattle Geographical Community are leading the way in provide you with a variety of webinars, in-person events and educational opportunities. Please tune into our myASQ website and blogs and LinkedIn for more opportunities to come. We also communicate with our members electronically via email with news and upcoming events locally as well as geographically. If you have any needs or suggestions, please reach out to our leadership team noted in the list below.
2024 Dinner Meeting and Presentations:
- January - Cancelled
- February - 2024 Seattle Geographic Community update Event Link
- March - Webinar Lean Safety - Workforce Engagement and Culture Change
- April - Cancelled
- May - Agile Development and Lean Transformation, a Practical Guide Event Link
- June- Lean 6 Sigma Transformation Now Event Link, References
- TBD - Roundtable
Vice Chair: Ryan Zeng
Past Chair: Ardith Beitel
Treasurer: Scott Siderman
Secretary: Ardith Beitel
Education & Training: Fred Cramer