
ISO 14001 Contractor control

By Sheri Seabolt posted 12/18/24 04:15 PM


Our company is in the final stages of getting the ISO 14001 certification! Does anyone have a form/checklist given to contractors before coming on-site requesting information on what chemicals or other associated environmental hazards risk will be brought? I'm not referring to general supplier approval, or the sign-in log when they arrive. Not all contractors have a risk; for example, talent agencies, sales, etc. How do you define what interested parties have high-risk levels? Who keeps track of the forms before the visit? If there are risks, what is required of the interested party to provide? Thanks for your help!




30 days ago

If a contractor is escorted by a company employee, the escort is responsible for explaining the requirements.  We have a 3-page Environmental Guide for Contractors that we share with them.

If a contractor has a badge where they do not need an escort, we have developed some on-line training that they are required to take.  


30 days ago

Hello Shari,

I have information that I would be happy to share with you for ISO 14001.

If you can email me at