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New myASQ Web Design

By Robert Mitchell posted 05/03/23 04:15 PM


Welcome to the newly redesigned myASQ community website.

ASQ HQ recently rolled out this new look and functionality to improve the member experience. Unfortunately, the redesign implementation did not include any website updates that the Phoenix Section had posted after April 13, 2023. So, we are in the process of re-posting our May Chair's Message, the May 11 Program details and event, recent job postings, and assorted files & videos.

Because of this website rework the May SunDial newsletter emailing is also delayed. 

Please bear with the ASQ Phoenix Section Leadership Team as we crash our project timelines to complete these reloads as soon as we can.

Meanwhile, here are the main points about the upcoming May Member Development Program:
May 11, 2023
6:00pm - 8:00pm MST
via Zoom Meeting

Speaker: Steven Bonacorsi, ISLSS
Topic: Winning Results That Stick

Zoom registration link:

