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American Society for Quality Inspection Division Nomination for “The Chuck Carter International Inspector of the Year” Award

By Lou Ann Lathrop posted 01/28/24 05:08 PM


Inspection Division

Nomination for “The Chuck Carter

International Inspector of the Year” Award

Website: myASQ_Inspector of the Year


Purpose:  To provide recognition to "The Inspectors"' as those who:

1)    have the knowledge, qualifications, background and experience to accept or reject.

2)    represent the customer in on-line or final inspection test, audit, calibration, etc.

3)    assist and motivate peers and other workers, supervision, departments, etc., to produce conforming products or services while improving productivity through reduced costs.

4)    train others in inspection methodology and techniques, calibration, defect prevention, failure analysis, data recording, documentation, cost reduction, statistical applications, etc.

5)    continue to professionally develop themselves via certifications, technical and quality courses, teaching, technical papers, etc., in order to maintain themselves as professionals worthy of recognition, rewards, awards and promotions in concert with their career goals and objectives.

All too often "The Inspector" receives little or no recognition in today's environment, therefore the purpose is to annually recognize "The Chuck Carter International Inspector of the Year".


Eligibility:  Any qualified individual who spends more than 50% of his or her time in inspection, test, audit, calibration, etc., functions to assure conformance to engineering, manufacturing, quality and customer standards or requirements, is eligible as a candidate to receive the award.  Managers, supervisors, planners, engineers or associate engineers are not eligible for this award.  Previous recipients are not eligible (i.e. once per lifetime).

Nature of Award:  The ASQ Inspection Division will present the award in the form of a suitable engraved plaque, clock, etc.  The Inspection Division may also recognize the runner-up(s), as may be appropriate, at the discretion of the Award Committee.  The decision of the Award Committee concerning the winner and runner-up(s) is final.

A suitable photograph of the winner shall be made available by the winner for publicity, etc.  Press releases may be sent to newspapers and publications both internal and external to ASQ.

Presentation:  The award will be presented by the Inspection Division at a mutually agreeable date, time and place to be determined.  It is expected that the Inspector of the Year will be sent to the site of the award presentation by his/her employer and, if possible, accompanied by his/her manager or management representative.

