
Announcing: The ESG Experience at WCQI!

By Lauren Von Euw posted 04/10/23 11:00 PM


Commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) results in transformative sustainability. Quality is crucial in achieving successful ESG practices in any industry, with quality methodologies like systems thinking, risk assessment, effects on communities, regulatory compliance, and environmental management leading the movement. Learn more during a special ESG Experience during WCQI. Registration ends soon!




05/26/23 09:13 AM

ESG is a timely topic for all business enterprises and therefore it is important to have at least a basic idea about this area. However, I personally believe that the focus on the quality function is also important to connect while discussing ESG because each activity whether Governance, Social, or Environmental those activities can not be performed properly without a focus on quality. Why? Because I consider quality means "doing the right thing in the right way every time.

04/27/23 07:55 AM

I totally agree!  How many of us had the additional duty of sorting through the GDPR requirement?  Those of us who are the first line of defense to inform management (through audit reports) of potential risks, and to reveal potential liabilities and litigation items, will we now be tasked with ESG assessments? It makes one wonder after the posted ESG scores how much money management will allocate for corrective actions to lower the score and how this will affect what is left of a company's profit margin; to include any dividends available to the shareholders?  Even though ESG will be an additional duty we auditors can definitely bring value to a company (through audit reports) by showing management the likely factors that produced the scores and recommend corrective actions to maintain acceptable ratings (because of the type of industry/company there may be scoring applied to industry silos [categories] in the future) or for lowering them.  It has already begun:  Company ESG Risk Ratings and scores - Sustainalytics

04/27/23 07:13 AM

Sometimes I wonder if the quality professionals take on more than we should. We tend to lead the momentum in organizations and sometimes this can cause us to lose focus on the core basics of our profession.