Columbia Basin Section

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From the Chair - Happy New Year!

By Jo Haberstok posted 17 days ago


CHAIR’S CORNER – Happy New Year!

by Denise Fast

Welcome to the New Year!!   I hope everyone had a great holiday and was able to take some time to refresh and get ready for the year ahead.  We often forget that with change can come stress.  I would like to take a quick moment to remind everyone to continue to be safe and look out for each other.

We have our new 2025 section leadership team in place now, which includes several of the 2024 team members.  Some are taking on different roles and others are continuing in the positions they held last year.  As with any transition we will strive our best to ensure consistency and provide value for our members.

Just a reminder:  Our section is operated by volunteer members, and we always appreciate members stepping up.  If you are passionate about a topic that’s related to quality and would like to present at one of our meetings, please let me know.  We can also use help in planning and coordinating meetings and site visits, with recruiting new members, and with building/expanding our social media presence.  

A big Thank You to the new leadership team members for volunteering to serve in 2025 and also to the outgoing team for all of their efforts.
Here’s to another great year!

