Section News and Views
by Jo Haberstok
Can you believe it’s almost December already? It has been another exciting year for our Columbia Basin ASQ section.
We will not be holding a section meeting in December, due to all the other family and holiday events and activities happening. We encourage you to participate virtually in some of the events and opportunities offered by other ASQ divisions/sections this month.
Please welcome and congratulate our 2025 section leadership team, which includes both elected and appointed officers and team leads. A big “Thank You!” to everyone who stepped up to serve in these important roles:
Section Chair - Denise Fast
Secretary - Denise Clements
Treasurer - Cindy Taylor
Membership - Jo Haberstok
Nominations – Emily Wilson
Publicity - Jo Haberstok
Newsletter - Robert Boykin
Webmaster - Steve Prevette
Many thanks also to those who have served and continue to serve through the end of this year. The 2024 team’s efforts resulted in all of our planned actions/goals being accomplished - and in many cases greatly exceeded. We held six virtual meetings this year and visited two local companies for in-person tours.
And, of course, thanks to all of you for being members of ASQ and our Columbia Basin Section! I hope that in the coming year more of you will choose to become active in our section. We need more volunteers to help plan and organize meetings and site visits, to develop and execute member recruitment and retention plans, and to strategize for the future. Assistance is needed with programs (obtaining speakers, planning for virtual and in-person meetings and site visits), social media (sharing information on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.), and community and member outreach. Our Membership and Nominations teams also welcome assistance with recruiting, mentoring, and succession planning in the coming year.
If you would like to help, please reach out to any of our leadership team members or send an email.