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October 16 - Virtual Meeting/Presentation: "Cementing Quality as a Cultural Goal rather than a Policy Driven Process"

By Jo Haberstok posted 09/27/24 04:48 PM


Columbia Basin ASQ Section 0614 Virtual Meeting & Presentation

as part of ASQ Pacific Region

Date:  Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Time:  6:00 pm to 7:30 pm PDT

There is no charge for attendance, but registration is required by October 13.  Send an email to

"Cementing Quality as a Cultural Goal rather than a Policy Driven Process"

Presenter: Denise Clements, CMQ-OE

                     Vice President, Quality Director Americas, AECOM

When you walk into the lobby of about any company, you will probably see posters stating their Mission, Vision, and Strategies.  Ask about Quality, and most executives and managers will share stories about the standards and requirements they follow.

But true Quality and effectiveness requires a commitment to various cultural elements such as leadership, company-wide shared values and behaviors, and related performance metrics and incentives.

Companies and institutions face differing challenges, depending on the relative maturity of their Quality programs.  For some, the challenge may be establishing a culture of Quality.  For others, the focus may be on broadening, strengthening, and improving such a culture.

Culture cannot be mandated.  Creating and sustaining a culture of Quality is vital to overall and ongoing success.  

Join us on October 16 to learn more about:

·         Quality as a cultural goal versus policy driven process

·         Effective leadership strategies that can be implemented to improve Quality culture

·         How to improve Quality culture through Quality principles and Quality behaviors

About the speaker:  Denise Clements is Vice President, Quality Director Americas, for AECOM.  She is also on the Global Integrated Management System (IMS) Steering Committee representing the global Design & Consulting Services Business, which implements, maintains, and improves the various components of AECOM’s operations, providing a common system for use on all projects.

Denise’s career began as a mechanical engineer in the nuclear industry.  Later, as part-owner of a small engineering-fabrication firm, she developed its nuclear quality assurance program compliant with ASME NQA-1 and managed the fabrication shop operations.  Shortly after joining AECOM in 2000, Denise was named Chief Quality Officer for one of AECOM’s early operating companies, DMJM Holmes & Narver.  In that role she successfully introduced the first ISO 9001-certified quality management system for the company.  In subsequent years as operating companies merged and dissolved and AECOM grew not only organically but also by acquisition, she successfully led multiple mergers of disparate quality management systems into a coherent whole, all while maintaining the ISO 9001 certification.  Denise also worked with AECOM developers to program systems for streamlining project management workflows, internal auditing through online tools linked to the financial system for analysis, and a supplier prequalification tool.

This is a virtual/online (MS Teams) meeting; 0.5 RUs will be awarded.  

Please register by October 16 via email to for planning purposes.

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