Columbia Basin Section

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September 2023 Columbia Basin ASQ Newsletter Available

By Jo Haberstok posted 08/31/23 04:45 PM


The September 2023 Columbia Basin ASQ newsletter is now available. 


Be sure to RSVP soon for our virtual section meeting on September 23 – we will be visiting Bookwalter Winery in Richland and getting a special tour there.  Reservations must be received by September 9 for planning purposes. 

Special Note for Columbia Basin ASQ section members regarding our September 23 meeting:  If you invite and bring a guest (non‑ASQ member), your name will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa card.  (Be sure to indicate your guest’s name when RSVPing.)


There are also several virtual meetings and webinars being offered this month by other ASQ sections and organizations – check them out, too!

