CHAIR’S CORNER – Almost Summer!
by Denise Clements
As we head into summer, we are going to take a two‑month hiatus from our monthly meetings. We will miss the virtual networking and learning opportunities but are already planning to come back with a bang!
Here’s what to expect in August, September, and October:
v Audit Like a Jedi – Susan Gorveatte (virtual)
v Bookwalter Winery Site Visit (live/in-person event!)
v AI in the Quality Industry – speaker TBD (virtual)
During the summer months, I hope you all take a breather from your busy schedules and spend some time with your family and friends. Quality of Life goes hand‑in‑hand with our ability to create quality work products.
“Right the First Time” Matters ‑ to project teams, company profit, and clients – and to individuals. Poor quality leads to hidden costs that affect us all in longer work hours, lost sleep, stress, and anxiety. Isn’t it interesting how the Plan – Do – Check ‑ Act cycle is usually denoted through a circle, and when thinking about Quality of Life and quality work products/services it’s also a circle? Make sure you plan for your Quality of Life, do your work in a safe and healthy manner, check the quality of your work-life balance, and then act if you need to make improvements.
Happy summer all!