Education Division

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Message From Education Division Chair - Mid-Year Update Greeting and Latest News

By Belinda Chavez posted 07/31/23 08:36 PM


Dear ASQ Education Division Members,

Thank you for being a member of the ASQ Education Division. We are already halfway through 2023. As Division Chair, I am pleased to provide several announcements regarding our progress.

ASQ Education Division Leadership Team: The work of the Division could never be accomplished without the steadfast support and dedication of its professional Leadership Team. Their sterling contributions have led to the Division’s success in providing programs of quality and merit to our members. Our division leadership team strives to provide member value through our publications, webinars, and group discussions. Thank you!

Webinars: Please be sure to visit our division calendar and news posts for webinar events. Webinars are currently scheduled for August, September, and October 2023.

Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition: The ASQ Education Division’s Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition is available on-line at the following URL: This website also features the Call for Papers and Author Guidelines and previous and currently retired journals under the publication jurisdiction of the Division: Quality Approaches in Education (QAE) and Quality Approaches in Higher Education (QAHE). The format is readily searchable by examining respective Tables of Contents. Submit manuscripts to

The Journal will feature a brand-new column: The Educators’ Café, a place where we invite educators from wide and diverse fields to submit their thoughts, ideas, impressions, opinions etc. regarding the current climate in education – from business, science, law, pharmaceutical oversight, K-12, Higher Education, STEM, among other fields, to enjoy a platform that supports ongoing conversation. These articles do not have to be research centric per se, but rather may utilize research in the form of citations that support the ideas presented. Length of submission: 1,000 – 1,500 words. Submit manuscripts to and include a title, as well as designate The Educators’ Café as the column of interest.

Division Newsletter: We also invite division members to submit your short articles for consideration for inclusion in our Education Division newsletter. Short articles, 500-1000 words, may be submitted to Varsha Suman (, Newsletter Editor, with copy to Belinda Chavez (, Newsletter Copy Editor. Pictures, figures, graphs, etc., may be included.

Welcome New Network Group Leads: We welcome Dr. Gus Calbert, K-12 Network Group Lead, and Dr. Denisha Griffey, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) Network Group Lead to the ASQ Education Division, both of whom will lend their expertise to our division. If you are interested in joining their respective Network Groups, please contact Dr. Calbert ( and/or Dr. Griffey ( Expanding these Networks is a critical goal of the Education Division, and we welcome our members’ participation and voices. You have many talents and skills to offer – please join us.

Request for Quality Improvement Tools Network Group Lead: This new Network Group expands the previous Baldridge Network Group, thereby making it more accessible to a variety of quality practitioners. If you are someone who utilizes any form of quality tool, this Lead position may be of interest to you. For further information regarding this role, please contact me ( This role is currently available for the continuation of the 2023 year and can expand into 2024, if the candidate is interested in doing so.

Request for 2024 Higher Education (HE) Network Group Lead: This role is currently filled by Dr. Ellen Belitzky, who is a candidate for election in the Education Division as 2024 Chair Elect. The HE Network engages in discussions related to issues of concern or interest that confront those in higher education across an expansive variety of disciplines, since education dovetails into all fields. If you are interested in serving as 2024 Higher Education Network Group Lead, please contact Ellen for details regarding this opportunity ( and please copy Belinda Chavez ( and me (

I send best wishes to all of our ASQ Education Division members for the remainder of an enjoyable and pleasant summer. As always, feel free to contact me at any time with questions, concerns and suggestions. I am always available to lend assistance, as is our entire Leadership Team. Stay in touch and know that we are here for you!


Marianne Di Pierro

Chair, Education Division

Editor: Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition

2023 ASQ Education Division Leadership Team:




Chair, JQPKA Editor

Marianne Di Pierro*

Chair Elect

Azizeh Constantinescu*


Edward Pines

Past Chair

Beth Cudney

Nominating Committee Chair, Treasurer

Belinda Chavez*

Social Media Chair

Helen Tran

Newsletter Editor

Varsha Suman

Chair Emeritus

John Dew*

Certification Chair

Donald Brecken

HE Network Group Lead

Ellen Belitzky;

*Executive Board Member

