Phoenix Section

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ASQ Phoenix-Message from the Chair-November 2024

By Barbara Banek posted 11/06/24 01:53 PM


Chair’s Message – November 2024

Greetings Valued ASQ Phoenix Section Members –

I hope that all of you are well and looking forward to the holiday season which is quickly approaching! This time of year is also election season, which extends to your ASQ member units also, including the Phoenix Section. As I mentioned in my message last month, we were fortunate to have volunteers step forward for all of our elected positions as well as most of our appointed positions for next year. As nominees for the elected positions were uncontested, the volunteers will automatically step into their roles in 2025.

I would like to congratulate and welcome those individuals who will be new to the ASQ Phoenix Section’s leadership team next year. I will be passing the baton to Rob Cornell who will be taking over as the Chair of the Phoenix Section and will oversee the operations of the section. Jerry Stepp will be filling the role of Membership Chair and will be ensuring that the section maintains accurate membership lists and member contact information. He will also be the point of contact for any new members. Jason Siebert will be acquiring the role of Voice of the Customer Chair and will be responsible for sending out surveys and RU certificates for programs and events attended. He will also create monthly summaries of feedback received from members. Finally, Mitchell Holstege will be filling the role of Program Chair and will be acquiring speakers for the Phoenix Section’s monthly program meetings. If you have suggestions for presentation topics, he will be your new contact. We are excited to have each of them join our team and look forward to their contributions!

If you are interested in assisting our leadership team, the Phoenix Section is still recruiting for a couple of additional positions. We have an Arrangements Chair position open. The individual filling this role will be responsible for coordinating in-person and hybrid events. We also have a LinkedIn Group Manager position available for someone who would enjoy keeping section members updated via LinkedIn. Last, but not least, we would like to fill the role of Instagram Influencer. This individual will use Instagram to ensure that members are apprised of section activities. I encourage each of you to consider volunteering for one of these important roles.

A huge thank you to all member leaders who serve on the leadership team of the Phoenix Section! Without you, our success would not be possible. Your efforts and dedication are immensely appreciated.

Until we meet again, I bid you health, happiness, and connectedness.


Hilary Werner

