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ASQ Phoenix - Southwest Alliance for Excellence Meeting, June 15, 2023, 9 AM, Transforming Our Organizations Using KPMS

By Barbara Banek posted 06/06/23 05:58 PM


Southwest Alliance for Excellence

Third Thursday Webinar June 15, 2023, 8:00 AM PST/9:00 AM MST

Transforming Our Organizations Using KPMS

Build your processes, communication, and accountability around your customer!

Data, data, and more data turned into a story.

Wade Aschbrenner is the External Affair Officer for Altus Schools. The mission of Altus Schools is to bring a quality educational option to all students with the philosophy to put kids first through a personalized approach to education. Wade is responsible for facilitating external communications and community outreach for Altus Schools. He is beginning his 14th year at Altus Schools and has over 25 years of educational experience. He works closely with charter school operators, community organizations, and local elected officials to maximize the positive impact of charter schools in the San Diego region and to ensure that all students and families have access to high quality school options. In 2021 he was named the Government Affairs volunteer of the Year by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce.

He currently serves as Vice-President of Alumni Engagement for the San Diego State Alumni Board and Secretary for the Rotary Club of La Jolla. He is a member of a of numerous organizations in the San Diego Region that support kids and families, those include the San Diego for Every Child, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee.

Register for the webinar at:

Wade Aschbrenner

