ASQ Boulder Section is accepting 2025 Calendar Year Leadership Nominations.
The ASQ Boulder leadership team (4 people)
Would like you to be a 2025 section leader (Term 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2025)
Section Member elected positions with descriptions:
- Chair-Person - provides leadership and oversight to the member unit, prepares meeting agendas, and is the presiding officer. Monthly time commitment is approximately 5 -7 hours.
- Vice-Chair - Performs duties as directed by the Chair in support of the organization’s mission and goals. This position does not succeed to the position of Chair following the end of the first term. Monthly time commitment is approximately 5 -7 hours.
- Secretary - Documents member unit business and maintains the records. This position serves as the official correspondent of the member unit. Monthly time commitment is approximately 7 -9 hours.
- Treasurer - Oversees funds, maintains accurate financial records, and reports on financial condition as directed by the Society bylaws and policies and procedures. Monthly time commitment is approximately 5-6 hours.
Will have elections in Oct 2024 for any above position with multiple nominees
Other Leadership positions include:
- Nomination – (normal past chair-person)
- Financial Audit – Checks the section accounting books are correct
- Membership – Supports monthly ASQ national list with welcome/renewal emails, section email list
- Education –Any Section or Boulder-local training offerings
- Newsletter –Create/update publish monthly newsletter
- VoC (Voice of the Customer) – Potential section membership survey
- Online – Section Internet information (myASQ, Section Website, LinkedIn, Meetup, etc.)
- Programs –Speakers, run virtual meeting, social event, on-site/hybrid tours/talks
- Publicity – Prompt section meeting, training on various internet sites
- Other – Just general leader helping out with Newsletter, Online, Program, Publicity, Education, etc
If you are interested in any above position including proposed positions
Contact: Arnold Miller (Secretary) email:
or Albert Vergara (past chair) email: