EDGe Event: Quality Transformed: Embracing AI's Potential to Redefine Excellence and Innovation

When:  Jun 21, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Government Division

Quality Transformed: Embracing AI's Potential to Redefine Excellence and Innovation

Presented by Dr. Ron Kelley

Friday, June 21, 2024

12:00 – 1:00 PM Eastern

An EDGe Webinar Offering

In the swiftly evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI), 2024 stands as a pivotal year, marking significant advancements and a broadening landscape that transcends the initial buzz around generative AI technologies. In this presentation, aimed at quality professionals, we delve into the current state of AI, dissecting the hype from tangible developments, and contrasting the current state with artificial general intelligence (AGI). 

I will spotlight the latest innovations and key players that have emerged, focusing on the advancements in AI agents, GPTs, multimodal models, and large context window LLMs, highlighting the important use cases for Quality professionals that dramatically improve efficiency and impact. Central to this discussion is the empowerment of quality professionals through an AI learning roadmap tailored to harness these technological advancements.

Learning Objectives:

1.     Understand the AI landscape and separate hype from fiction in Generative AI

2.     Identify some of the key advancements of the last few months in Generative AI such as AI Agents, GPTs, RAG, and Local LLMs

3.     Understand what you can do to move up the AI knowledge curve and create your own AI learning roadmap.

Registration here.

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