Automotive Division

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ASQ Automotive Division 2023 Summary

By Lou Ann Lathrop posted 02/04/24 07:05 PM


1.      2023 Member Unit’s membership numbers:

a.     Membership as of January 1st 2023:

b.     Membership as of December 31st 2023: 

c.      Observations/conclusions:

Membership went down as overall society membership went down.  Many retirements in automotive industry in 2023 also.  When ranking in size (16th), maintained the same place, but far from our glory days of 3rd or 4th.

2.      2023 Financial Performance:

a.     2023 Revenue Plan: $ 2023 Revenue: $

b.     2023 Expense Plan: $  2023 Expense: $

c.      US Sections only: Confirm full transition to Billhighway: Yes No

d.     Observations/conclusions on the 2023 financial performance:

When submitting revised budget in September, revenue streams that did not materialize came out.  Dues Allocations was never forecasted.  Revenue noted is Dues allocations.   The Automotive Division did stay within our expense plan spending less/saving $1079.67

3.      2023 myASQ Presence

Goal to increase myASQ counts.  Included this in our email blasts (10) throughout the year.  With the changes to the new system in May 2023, counts increased even more dramatically.    As of 1/2/23 we had 2098 people on myASQ for the Automotive Division.  As of 12/26/23 count was 4651 (coinciding with the size of our membership.) Exceeded goal of 10% increase by year end with 121% growth.    The other myASQ goal was:  Increase in myASQ Website activity by posting events, upload info, posts/comments with a goal of %5 increase in content.   Results beat this goal. Discussion - added 9 items (45% increase)  Library added 13 item  (11% increase)  Blog added 12 items ( 43% increase).

4.      Progress toward goals as specified in the annual business plan:

a.    Summary of 2023 Business Plan activity/goal progress and completions:  

New Collaborations this year:                                                                                       

1) Part of organizing and sponsoring ASEIcon 2023 Sept 30th – ASEI  American Society of Engineer of Indian Origin (attendance ~ 300 people)                     2) Sponsor/Booth Oct 10th to 12th IEOM – Industrial Engineer Organization, Global attendees, held @ Lawrence Tech University (attendance ~110)                                 

3) SWELocal Detroit (Society of Women Engineers) Feb 17th-18th, 2023  Sponsor andBooth @ event 720+ attended from 30+ states, 60% of attendees with 1-5 years of professional experience                                                                                    

Continued collaborations with ASQ Ann Arbor and Detroit Sections.  New Section collaborations: Columbia basin ASQ, Toronto Section 0402 put an article in June 2023 newsletter on the ASQ Automotive Division                                              

Business Plan Goals also met: 

myASQ (see question 3)  Continued with delivering 6 Webinars in 2023 with attendance from 76 to 97.   Planning is underway to do our awards event in the first part of 2024.  Met the goals for publishing our Automotive Excellence Magazine.  Recruited new volunteers at WCQI for the division.  Met all our goals for the year!!

