OofA!! A Survey of Recent Research in Order-of-Addition Experiments

When:  Sep 17, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Almost every statistician has heard of Fisher’s famous experiment with the lady tasting tea. As it turns out, this is just the earliest example of what we now call an Order-of-Addition (OofA) experiment. In these experiments, the focus is less on whether or not a factor has an effect on a response, but instead on the effect of the order in which that factor is applied in a sequence. This requires a new way of thinking about how we design such experiments and develop models to analyze the results.

After a false start in 1995, research into the design and analysis of these OofA experiments has taken off within the last decade. In this webinar, I’ll provide an overview of the basic concepts as well as highlight some recent research into this topic. I’ll also review some current application areas and propose some possible new areas.

Dr. Caleb King is a Sr. Research Statistician Developer at JMP Statistical Discovery. He is responsible for developing the platforms in the DOE suite, including Sample Size Explorers, MSA Design, and Constant Stress ALT. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics from Virginia Tech. His area of research is primarily in design of experiments, particularly in the context of reliability testing, though he has branched out into other areas, including Order-of-Addition experiments, small-sample theory, and even statistical shape analysis. Prior to joining JMP, he worked for three years as a statistician at Sandia National Laboratories.

Register for the webinar by clicking on this link.


Steven Barnett