You're invited to join us on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00pm EST for not only a regular (but shortened) monthly member meeting, but to also welcome our guest speaker, Matt Peplowski.
Matt Peplowski, the Principal Owner and President of BioPharm Error Prevention Associates, Inc. will be speaking on the topic of Human Error Prevention (HEP) and strategies we can take as Quality Leaders to incorporate HEP thinking into our teams.
Edwards Deming, widely known as the Father of Modern Quality, said "85% of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee." Many studies have placed that number closer to 95%.
HEP is a well-researched, well documented field adopted by many industries (e.g. aerospace, nuclear) decades ago. This webinar will highlight the practical tools and strategies for preventing deviations, instead of just simply writing and closing them faster. It will challenge traditional thinking on what causes and prevents errors and deviations, and encourages organizations to find system flaws rather than look for people's errors, and then harnessing their people for solutions.
This webinar is geared towards leaders, who are uniquely positioned, through their attitudes, actions, governance, budgeting, hiring, and culture development, to greatly increase or decrease the risk of errors.

No registration is required, this is a free event.