UCM 16th Annual Quality Management Conference

When:  Sep 20, 2024 from 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM (CT)
Associated with  Kansas City Section
The UCM Student Branch and ASQ 1301 invite you to the 16th Annual Quality Management Conference. Join us at the Missouri Innovation Campus in Lees Summit, MO on Friday, Sept 20th for presentations from Quality professionals and UCM students. Lunch is provided for registered guests. Attendance qualifies for ASQ recertification units. 
Registration closes September 18th. 
You can view the agenda and register for the event here: https://forms.gle/rrKMHX7bdEZVYoda9
Thank you, 
Joleen Watson UCM ASQ Student Branch Advisor


Missouri Innovation Campus
1101 NW Innovation Parkway
Lee's Summit, MO 64086