ASQ 0911 October 2024 Section Meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024 @12-1pm EST
Our next ASQLEX 0911 member monthly meeting is a recorded webcast meeting that begins at 12PM EST on Thursday, October 17th.
If you plan to attend, please email reservation to Mark McDonald (Mmcdonald@hendrickson-intl.com) by noon Tuesday, October 15th.
For the October meeting, we will have extend invitation all ASQ sections from the East South Central Region.
ASQ on Demand Webcast Series Presentation:
Developing Practical Scientific Thinking Skills through KATA, (1 hour 11 minutes)
Presenters – Jeffrey Liker, author of The Toyota Way – 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer
ASQ Host- Pablo Baez
Section hosts- Steve Ross and John Simson, ASQ Lexington, KY -
Presentation agenda- Jeffrey Liker, author of the international best-seller 'The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer,' walks us through the concept of Kata and how it can be used to develop scientific thinking and engage employees in continuous improvement.
The Zoom virtual Meeting link for this recorded webcast meeting will be sent out to those who register with Mark McDonald. Link for zoom meeting is
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89694217132 pwd=V9VE9Ujuu0y5pskab6YgDPB5PUgVZK.1
Note: A 0.5 RU will be given for section meetings that you attend. However, you must use the email registration so that the Section has an attendance record. Please mute your computer microphone during the presentation.
Door Prize: Starting in July 2024 meeting, we are doing a door prize each meeting. A random number is selected from the people attending the Webinar Meeting. The winner will be able to choose a book or standard from the ASQ Quality Press with member cost of $50 or less. Doug Howard, Treasurer, will purchase item and send to member mailing address. For the September 19 meeting, Mick Miller was the winner of the door prize.
Meeting Agenda:
11:50 -12:00 pm Log in and Section welcome &engagement , webinar and speaker intro
12:00 – 1:00 pm Presentation and then Q&A with members.
Section Leadership is proposing we have about 5 minutes of member engagement before we start our webcast. Topic proposed is what is things are better or worse due to the covid-19 pandemic? John will lead discussion.
About Speaker-

Congratulations to LEXINGTON SECTION 0911 !!!