Join us on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00pm for the April La Crosse-Winona ASQ Section meeting. We will be online only for this meeting.
Zac Jarrad will be joining us to present The Future of Work: Examining Quality 4.0.
Presentation Overview:
There is a lot of optimism and some concern about where industry is going in the future. A lot of thought leaders have shared different points of view regarding where quality fits in the future of work. This session will 1) provide an overview of Quality 4.0 2) examine key aspects of Quality 4.0 with regards to people, process, and technology 3) share some thoughts on how quality professions can thrive in a Quality 4.0 environment and beyond.
This webinar is for you if you are:
• Leading process improvement projects
• Implementing new quality management systems
In this informative 45-minute webinar, you will learn:
- Basic definitions regarding Quality 4.0-
- How Quality 4.0 applies to people, process and technology-
- How to thrive in a technology driven world
Zac Jarrard is the President of Jarrard Consulting, LLC. The company is dedicated to bringing out the best in people through team building activities, project management training, and workshops to improve intergenerational communication at work. Zac holds a Master of Science in Information Systems and Business Analytics, MPA and MBA from Park University. His research interests include gamification, project management, and working across different generations. Outside of his company, Zac is heavily involved in the community. He is a proud ASQ senior member who serves as the Past Chair of the Kansas City Section. Zac is an Eagle Scout who aspires to make the world a better place for everyone.
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