October 18 Webinar - Effective Use of Screening Experiments, by Steve Bailey

When:  Oct 18, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Six Sigma Forum

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Effective Use of Screening Experiments: Some Practical Experiences


When faced with a problem to be solved by running designed experiments we should first think of what strategy should be used for the experimentation. One aspect of successful experimental strategy that seems to be overlooked is how to use screening experiments in practice. In a recent article (referenced below*) Ron Snee and Steve Bailey share their combined experiences of more than 90 years in using designed experiments in which screening experiments are an integral part of the strategy.  In today’s talk, Steve will discuss the benefits of running screening experiments and why they work. Topics such as the Pareto principle applied to experimentation and the robustness of screening designs to assumptions are addressed. Case studies are provided, along with tips and traps. What emerges is a holistic approach to experimentation that results in practicing scientists and engineers getting the right data in the right amount at the right time.


* Snee RD, Bailey SP. Effective use of screening experiments: Some practical experiences.

Appl Stochastic Models Bus Ind. 2023;1-23. doi: 10.1002/asmb.2768


STEVEN P. BAILEY founded Steven P. Bailey LLC in 2016 after a 36-year career with DuPont, where he most recently was their applied statistics principal consultant and Master Black Belt Network Leader.  Steve is also an adjunct faculty member in the University of Delaware’s Department of Applied Economics and Statistics. Steve received his Ph.D. degree in statistics from the University of Wisconsin.  Steve is a Past President and Chairman of the Board of ASQ and is an ASQ Fellow and ASQ Distinguished Service Medalist.  Steve is BB and MBB certified by both DuPont and ASQ.



RONALD D. SNEE is founder and president of Snee Associates LLC in Newark, DE. He earned a doctorate in applied and mathematical statistics from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Snee is an Honorary Member of ASQ, has received the ASQ Shewhart, Grant and Distinguished Service Medals, and is an ASQ Fellow and an Academician in the International Academy for Quality.


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