Measurement System Analysis (MSA) and Process Capability (Cpk): Their Symbiotic Relationship

When:  Sep 17, 2024 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM (CT)
Associated with  Illiana Section

SPEAKER: Jd Marhevko, Shainin Medalist, ASQ Fellow, CMQOE, CSSBB, CQE, MBB

Event Description

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) and Process Capability (Cpk) have a symbiotic relationship. One can’t work well without the other. A good Cpk is not feasible without an effective MSA. Come for a basic refresher on Cpk. See how it works and learn about its critical dependency on a passing MSA. This is an interactive session where participants will be asked to engage in the process.

Presentation Summary

Quality, Operations and Lean practitioners must often understand the basic principles of how data from variables gaging can be incorrect leading to improper assumptions about process performance and/or result in ineffective corrective actions. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) gaging system results need to be verified as effective prior to evaluating the capability of a process. Participants will be taken through a high level overview on process capability (Cpk) onto which an MSA Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility (GRR) will be overlaid so that they can clearly see the opportunities for alpha and beta errors to be incurred by an unsuspecting operator and/or an automated measurement system. This powerful takeaway arms attendees with rapid knowledge and steps of what to do and how to check if they have systems at risk. This empowers professionals with the ability to reduce variation in the measurement process and, potentially, reduce variation in the product or process itself creating the potential for a lasting solution. The session is structured in an interactive format throughout the presentation where participants will work on calculations. There is interactive engagement regarding the GRR samples provided and then relational knowledge is shared. There will be time at the end of the session for additional questions. This is not death by powerpoint, it is fast paced and engaging.

Learning Objectives/Takeaways

1: Understanding how the MSA GRR and Cpk are interdependent
2: Practical understanding as to how alpha and beta errors can occur in a capable process.
3: Evaluating how to ensure that a gaging system that can enable process capability (should the other normal sources of variation be in control)


Bio of JD

Jd is a ZF VP of Quality for their Electronics & ADAS Division U. She has held multiple executive quality, lean and operations roles. Several sites have won the AME Excellence Award and one site won the Industry Week Best Manufacturing Plant of the Year. In 2020, Jd was inducted into the inaugural USA’s Women In Manufacturing (WiM) Hall of Fame. Jd is an ASQ Fellow, Shainin Medalist, CMQ/OE, CQE, CSSBB and MBB. She holds a BSE and MSA. Jd is a Past-Chair of the ASQ QMD. She currently supports the ASQ QMD in a variety of capacities. Jd has co-authored several books and articles on Lean and Quality Systems; most notably, Accuride Corporation’s Lean Management 50-50-20 as well as a small vignette depicting their family’s journey with autism, A Sample Size of One.

To register for this event:

Please send email to Dan Mateja. Zoom link will be sent the day before the event. Thank you.