Our March 12th meeting will be held as a Virtual Meeting with both a program and tutorial.
Our featured speaker is Douglas C. Wood. With over 40 years in the areas of cost of quality, office waste, root cause analysis, performance measurement, Mr. Wood has taught these plus auditing, Lean, Six Sigma, statistics, and failure modes and effects analysis. He has 5 ASQ certifications: CQE, CQA, SSBB, CMQ/OE, and CQPA.
Author/ editor of "The Executive Guide to Understanding and Implementing Quality Cost Programs", (ASQ Press 2007); "Principles of Quality Cost: Financial Measures for Strategic Implementation of Quality Management" 4th ed. (ASQ Press 2013) and “Certified Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence Handbook 5th Edition.”
He was the 2023 recipient of the ASQ Quality Management Division Howard Jones Award, given for outstanding long-term service as the Vice Chair of Education from 2015-2021.
He has a M.S. (2014) University of Central Missouri - Industrial Management and a B.S. (1978) Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan - Industrial Engineering
The company's website is www.dcwoodconsulting.com.
Linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/douglascwood/
The program topic for the evening is "Managing Cost of Quality in an ISO 9001 Facility: Hidden Risks, Opportunities, and Realities."
What does ISO 9001 say about Quality Cost?
Building the quality cost metrics
Realities: Selling to management, dishonesty, pitfalls
After the program, the tutorial topic is "Applying Quality Costs on a Lean Project and Simulating Quality Costs for an Enterprise."
1: Using Excel to measure quality cost with before and after costing
Calculating investments, monitoring costs, and waste costs
Figuring payback
2: Simulating before and after quality costs from a mathematical model
using audience provided data (voluntary of course)
Please Note: Advanced registration is required (link below) and will close at noon on Sunday March10th