A Six Sigma and Problem-Solving tool that is often forgotten but is beneficial is called TRIZ. TRIZ is based on the idea that many of the underlying “root” problems that engineers face today contain elements that have already been solved (approximately 90%), often in a completely different industry, for a totally unrelated situation, that uses an entirely different technology. The presentation is intended to introduce this tool.
John is an SRI (PRI) and Eagle Registration Lead Auditor meeting all certification, accreditation and ISO 19011 standard requirements for Energy, IMS, QMS, EMS and OHSMS. He has successfully attended Lead Assessor Courses for ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS9100, IATF 16949, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, and ISO 14001. John is an Exemplar Global certified EMS Associate Auditor and QMS Principal Auditor as well as a Master Certified QMS Auditor from Certus.
John is a Master Six Sigma Black Belt with over 35 years’ experience in application that also includes over 40 years in management systems. He is an experienced instructor / consultant in applications of Quality, Green House Gas, Energy, Environmental and Health & Safety Management System requirements as well as the application and instruction of various techniques which include DOE, Reliability, TPM, Statistical Analysis, Six Sigma, Risk Management, Advanced Data Analysis, Project Management, APQP, PDCA, PDSA, Problem Solving (Root Cause & Five S’s), Lean Enterprise and TRIZ. John has held positions as a Quality Engineer, Quality Manager, Vice President of Quality and a Trainer / Consultant. John is the owner of Q-Met-Tech, a consulting, auditing, and training company. John is a voting member of TAG 69, ANSI Z1 and TC 176 Committees as well as the US Expert for Acceptance Sampling for SC5 TAG69 and T/C176 SC3 WG27. John also serves as the USTAG69 Secretary and Chair for the Standards Committee. John is an ASQ Fellow who is the Past Chair of the Inspection Division and represents the Inspection Division on the Standards Committee.
John held the position of the Quality Technician of the Year Committee Chair and Scholarship Chair for the ASQ Cincinnati Section 900. He has been a presenter, technical reviewer, and session manager at numerous WCQIs. John has also served as a Deputy Regional Director and on the ASQ Certification Board, PAR and TCC Nomination committees. John was a member of the ASQ Board of Directors and TCC National Directors from 2017 to 2018. John was awarded the 2022 Quality Professional of the year by Quality Magazine.
Please register with Dan Mateja (djmateja@yahoo.com). A Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting.