ASQ Milwaukee invitation to

When:  Mar 18, 2024 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM (CT)
Associated with  Madison Section

ASQ Milwaukee is extending an invitation to our section for their March 18 virtual meeting. 

From ASQ Milwaukee member leaders:

All of the ASQ Milwaukee presentations are open to other sections, especially the sections in Southeast Wisconsin.  

In order to get RU's, attendees should put their contact info in the chat during the presentation and mention which section they are from, if not from the Milwaukee section.

March Presentation:

The March 18th Meeting Presentation will be "AI for Quality Managers" by Manny Veloso.

Time: Monday, Mar 18, 2024 06:30 PM Central 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 9494 6357  Passcode: 347502 


Manny Veloso is a Lean expert and Six Sigma Master Black Belt and has been providing Continuous Improvement (CI) education, coaching and implementation to companies in the US and abroad for over 25 years. He is the principal of CI Consulting Services LLC, working with a diverse client base in all areas of continuous improvement. A knowledgeable and engaging presenter, he spends much of his time coaching clients through both project and leadership development.



myASQ Milwaukee Section Events Page:


AI for Quality Managers by Manny Veloso