ASQ Baltimore Section 0502-Registration now open for February 11, 2025--Happy New Year 2025

When:  Feb 11, 2025 from 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  Baltimore Section

ASQ Baltimore Section 0502-Registration now open for February 11, 2025 Virtual Member Meeting

When:  February 11, 2025 from 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM (ET)

Associated with  Baltimore Section

Happy New Year 2025, Baltimore Section Members!

Our February 11th meeting will be held as a Virtual Meeting with both a program and tutorial.

Douglas C. Wood will be our guest speaker. Douglas C Wood has worked over 40 years in the areas of cost of quality, office waste, root cause analysis, performance measurement. He has helped others with various ASQ certifications in quality auditing, management, and engineering. He has also taught auditing, Lean, Six Sigma, cost of quality, statistics, and failure modes and effects analysis. He has 5 ASQ certifications: CQE, CQA, SSBB, CQPA, and CMQ/OE.

He has published:

“The Certified Manager of Quality/ Organizational Excellence Handbook 5th Edition” by ASQ Quality Press (co-edited with Sandy L Furterer)

“Principles of Quality Costs, Financial Measures for Strategic Implementation of Quality Management 4th Edition” by ASQ Quality Press

His firm DC Wood Consulting LLC has worked with clients in manufacturing, healthcare, and transactional businesses. The company's website is

The program topic for the evening is "The Change Management Institute’s Body of Knowledge, Part 2: Manage outcomes and impact using co-design facilitation."

Program 0.1 RUs

This is a follow up to the September 18, 2024 on the Change Management Institute's Body of Knowledge. That talk covered 3 of the 13 areas of CMI BoK, this talk will cover three more:

  • Managing change outcomes and benefits
  • Assessing change impact
  • Facilitating groups through a design and change process

After the program, the tutorial topic will be "Finding Common Ground: A participatory case study in facilitation."

Tutorial 0.1 RUs

There are few things that are harder than trying to guide a group to reach a conclusion that is acceptable to all parties. It often takes a facilitator to bring such a group process to a satisfactory conclusion. This Workshop will use a case study to guide us through creating a useful agenda for a facilitated meeting, judge whether that agenda has the right properties for the goals, and then consider what some of the pitfalls may be that a facilitator will have to work through.

Advance registration is required.  It provides us with a means to contact you directly with instructions to log-in to the meeting, and any changes or updates.

Please register no later than (NLT) noon, Sunday, February 9, 2025.


Online Instructions:
Login: Please use the link above to register for this event. You will receive an email form "ASQ Baltimore 0502" confirming that your registration has been processed and containing the link to join the meeting. Please note: Registration closes at noon on Sunday, February 9, 2025.