Starting in 2023 and continuing today, the advances in artificial intelligence have been unprecedented.
How this new technology may be incorporated is of great importance and concern. What are AI capabilities that the practitioner may take advantage? What are some of the ethical considerations of AI adoption and usage?
In this webinar, how AI may assist you as an asset, will be discussed. Specific topics include: brief history of AI, AI tool sets, AI ethical concerns, and AI tasks.
A discussion with the presenters will follow to focus on how attendees can add AI as your fifth team member.
Dr. Chad Laux is an Associate Professor and Graduate Chair in Computer and Information Technology at Purdue University researching and teaching in Lean Six Sigma. He co-leads Purdue’s Institute for Sustainable Futures Sustainable Community. He is Associate Editor of the Intl. Journal of Lean Six Sigma and a member of the ASQ Lean Enterprise Division. He is a recipient of the ASQ Crosby Medal, the IAQ Masing Book Prize, and ILSSI International Book Award.
Dr. John Springer is a Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) at Purdue University. His main research interests are in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with recent focus on the application of machine and deep learning to Cybersecurity, and he serves as the leader of the Purdue DATA Laboratory. Dr. Springer serves in various leadership roles at Purdue including as the co-chair of Purdue’s Integrative Data Science Initiative (IDSI) Curriculum Committee.
This free event is open to all.