ASQ Boulder 2023-Jan-26 Section Web Meeting

When:  Jan 26, 2023 from 05:45 PM to 07:30 PM (UTC)
Associated with  Boulder Section

Topic: System-Based Auditing
Cost: Free
Note: Thursday 5:45pm to 7:30pm US-MT meeting

RSVP on Boulder Section’s meeting "Meetup Link"

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RSVP note: Please provide your Name and Hometown. Same for any guests
5:45 pm Web Conference Start: Networking, Welcome and Section Business
6:00 pm Presentation

    • Speaker: Ron Sedlock, the quality Catalyst
    • Topic:System-Based Auditing
    • Abstract:
        • The time has come where audits must be value-added to our organization.

        • Audits can no longer be a necessary overhead as view by upper management.

        • Audits must go beyond the requirement of some regulatory and certification standards.

        • We must widen the scope and depth of our audits to the system-based level.
    • Bio Ron Sedlock
        • Ron has over 45 years "in the trenches" of the quality battlefield.

        • He began his career by studying with Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Joseph M. Juran.

        • Both those gentlemen have shaped his successful approach applying quality principles.

        • He is one of the founders and past chairperson of the Boulder ASQ Section.

        • He has written varies articles in ASQ publications.

        • He has held most ASQ certifications and has helped 100’s of quality professionals get their certifications.

7:15 pm After Presentation Networking
7:30 pm Web Conference End: meeting over

Place: Web Conference Webex

    • Meeting number: 2558 552 2062