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ISO 9001-2015, Amendment 1 - Relevance of Climate Change

  • 1.  ISO 9001-2015, Amendment 1 - Relevance of Climate Change

    Posted 09/12/24 03:12 PM

    We are a small organization, fewer than 75 employees. Trying to understand how amendment 1 should affect our quality manual. current text in 4.1 is generic. 
     - "is committed to placing safety and quality first and meeting the needs of the customer requirements."
     - "is committed to supporting the quality management system by supporting this document and the organizational chart necessary to support the system."
    Is the change as simple as making sure the topic of relevance of climate change and whether a customer has requirements for climate change is discussed as part of management review? 

    David Panchyshyn
    Quality Technician
    Aitkin MN