Speaker - Ruth Stanley and Edwin Garro - Creativity

When:  May 11, 2022 from 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM (UTC)
Associated with  Cascades PNW Section
Speaker - Ruth Stanley - Creativity

May 10, 2022, 6-7PM PST
Session Description

You probably want to change something and are asking, “Am I creative and how do I know?” Whether you know it or not, you are capable of the most wonderful, original, and useful ideas. Creativity is very personal and can take on many forms. In this webinar, we share our thoughts about creativity; and challenge you to explore your own creativity.
1.Refine your definition of creativity
2.Explore different facets of creativity
3.Open up your thinking
4.Challenge your routines
5.Become a walker on the path toward creativity

About the Speakers:
Edwin Garro is Chairman of PXS Global in Costa Rica and Region Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. As a lean six sigma specialist, Edwin has worked with many companies in their continuous improvement and problem-solving efforts. Originally an engineer, Edwin’s interest in lean/agile methods grew as did his belief that organizations need to recognize that creativity is an important addition to the way they work.

Ruth Stanley is founder of Boann Consulting and former Region Director for Canada Greenland. A long-time public servant from Ottawa Canada, Ruth has always walked to the beat of her own drum. Coming from a creative family, she has looked for new ways of doing things and different ways of knowing. Her greatest pleasures are making words sing, data dance and people grow.