ASQ Montreal & Indianapolis — Six Sigma Improving Communities (2023-05-23)

When:  May 23, 2023 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Montreal Section

(Photo by Canva)

Six Sigma — Improving Communities
(Lean Six Sigma — Améliorer les communautés)

Joint event from ASQ Indianapolis and ASQ Montreal Sections

Joye E. masonAs quality professionals, we have seen Six Sigma used to improve productivity, customer satisfaction, and profitability. But do you know that Six Sigma can also be applied to improve the lives of people and of our communities?
One of the Indy ASQ leaders has created an innovative entity called the Six Sigma Racial Equity Institute which uses an unconventional, non-traditional approach to racial equity by leveraging the DMAIC framework to identify root causes and solutions. It teaches and trains women to be certified Six Sigma Green Belts. The training not only up-skills the participants, but exposes black women to the continuous improvement field, and it engages the Indianapolis stakeholders in a collaborative effort to tackle racial inequities. We are delighted that a few of the program graduates will join us and share a high-level overview of their projects. Project examples include an examination of a school district's communication process, an airports supplier diversity payment process, and more.
Our speakers: Joy E. Mason, certified Six Sigma Black Belt with over 30 years of experience, founder and President of Optimist Business Solutions, Programs Chair ASQ Indianapolis, and founder and CEO of Six Sigma Racial Equity Institute™ who will be accompanied by students from the Institute.

Creating a community (... of trained/certified local resources...) to help a community: Listen to this 32 minutes interview of Joy Mason by Veronica Marquez, ASQ Montreal Section V-P and Social Media Chair (short French introduction), in which Joy describes how she started doing and teaching Lean Six Sigma culture and various exercises in local non-profit organizations to improve their processes with a very personal impact on the vulnerable and minority communities.

Six Sigma est plus qu'une philosophie d'entreprise.
En tant que professionnels de la qualité, nous avons utilisé et vu Six Sigma pour améliorer la productivité, la satisfaction des clients et la rentabilité. Saviez-vous que cela peut également être appliqué pour améliorer la vie des gens et de nos communautés ?
L'un des dirigeants de l'ASQ Indy a créé une entité innovante, le Six Sigma Racial Equity Institute™, qui utilise une approche non conventionnelle et non traditionnelle de l'équité raciale en s'appuyant sur le cadre DMAIC pour identifier les causes profondes et les solutions. Il enseigne et forme les femmes à devenir des Ceintures vertes Six Sigma certifiées. Cette formation permet d'améliorer les compétences des participantes et aussi d'exposer les femmes noires au domaine de l'amélioration continue et d'engager les parties prenantes d'Indianapolis dans un effort de collaboration pour lutter contre les inégalités raciales. Nous sommes ravis que quelques-uns des diplômés du programme se joignent à nous et partagent une vue d'ensemble de leurs projets.
Nos intervenants : Joy E. Mason, certifiée Six Sigma Black Belt, fondatrice et présidente d'Optimist Business Solutions, responsable des programmes ASQ Indianapolis, et fondatrice et PDG de Six Sigma Racial Equity Institute™ qui sera accompagnée par des étudiants de l'Institut.



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